Dana’s Catholic Small Cap Equity Strategy is diversified portfolio of U.S. small cap stocks. We fully integrate faith-based guidelines set forth by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops into our proprietary size adjusted scoring process to assist in determining the companies for inclusion in the Strategy’s investment universe. We are also process driven, and believe that a disciplined process of active management can add value over time. Our risk controls, set parameters for portfolio construction and allow our investment teams to focus on security selection. Our security selection process uses quantitative modeling and fundamental research to help identify securities that possess attractive valuation and growth characteristics relative to peers. Our fundamental analytical process also considers qualitative characteristics of a company’s management and business model, including corporate governance considerations and barriers to entry (or economic moats) that help discourage competition for the company’s products and services. As such, certain qualitative considerations may at times give rise to us overriding one or more aspects of our quantitative research. Ultimately, we seek to outperform the Russell 2000 Index with lower volatility over a full market cycle, through individual stock selection as an investor’s core U.S. small cap equity exposure.